Dedication for quality

For us to produce high quality pork it requires several important factors:

  1. Good genetics with perfect meat trait parameters (fat/lean meat composition, intermuscular fat content)
  2. High health status of the animals and biosecurity measures in all stages of production to prevent disease outbreaks and use of antibiotics
  3. High quality feed without impurities, contaminants and mycotoxins, mixed accurately to the needs of the pigs in each production stage
  4. High quality and suffi cient amount of space, air, water and the most important- highly skilled and trained people who work with the animals
  5. Short distance to slaughterhouse and slaughtering process with minimal stress for the animals and high hygiene status in all procedures

To fulfi ll all this requirements Agro SIP:

  • Was buying mothers and boars with highest available health status (spf-red, free from all diseases) from Denmark. We only buy semen and boars and bring it into the farm after strict quarantine procedure.
  • To keep this health status we perform very strict biosecurity procedures for everything entering the farm. Also every employee entering the farm has to undergo special procedure at entrance.
  • We analyse each batch of raw material entering the feed mill for nutritional content, impurities, contaminations with mycotoxinsand other agents according to up to date legal requirements. Each batch of feed leaving the feed mill is also analysed for nutritional parameters to guarantee that the animals get the proper nutrients according their needs.
  • Requirements of space for the animals are increased by 10%-15% compared to actual European standards. Water and air aremonitored by specifi c analysis on regular basis according to European standards.
    Our employees are going through training program before start to work in their job. Furthermore we provide ongoing training for all employees according to our internal quality standards.
  • The pigs to our slaughterhouse are only traveling 25 km in modern trucks. Short waiting times and fast slaughter process aim to prevent stress to the animals as well as fast cooling of the pork meat to guarantee best hygienic standard.

The steady analyses of critical control points along the whole production chain is guaranteed by our HACCP system and the use of internallaboratory as well as external laboratories.

All raw materials and feed for delivery to our farms are analysed in our laboratory in Dubovik.

Samples from animals, water and feed are regularly analysed in external certified laboratories.